Important dates

March 23: Deadline for abstracts
March 31: Notification of abstract acceptance
May 5: Deadline for papers
May 21: Notification of paper acceptance
June 25: Camera ready submission of papers
October 9-11: Conference ISESS 2013



Please book your room(s) directly at the hotel Wende (

Special hotel rates have been agreed with the hotel.

Please note, that the hotel will accept special conference rates only when you identify yourself as the AIT-ISESS 2013 conference participant and the rates are valid only if the room is booked until June 30, 2013.

Currently a number of rooms are blocked for ISESS 2013 until this date. Thereafter the rooms will be released for free sell for the hotel.

The special rate is 87,- € per participant per night!

You can book your room(s) directly via email (recommended mostly) or by fax, phone or directly using the link indicated above.